Papuan 'Timuza'

Papuan 'Timuza'
Papuan ‘Timuza’ is a special addition to our lineup. You may remember it from last year. This Indonesian coffee has some rare and special qualities that really grab our attention. This washed-process coffee has a unique flavor profile from many other coffees out of this region, that are typically wet-hulled. You’ll experience flavors of cherry blossom, gingersnap, and candied grapefruit, along with a spicy sensation, comparable to mild cayenne along with a silky and syrupy mouthfeel.
The Timuza Cooperative is located in the small surrounding villages of Namura town, in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea. This co-op represents 200 farmers that are a part of the indigenous Kamano Tribal Group. In addition to coffee, the farms also grow casuarina and albizia shade trees and crops for food, such as: sweet potatoes, taro, and cassava. This cooperative trains & assists farmers on financial management, gender equality, as well as coffee husbandry and processing standards. Finding washed-process coffees in this region is rare and is an indicator of the quality and care that has gone into the cultivation of this coffee. The Timuza Cooperative is setting a high-quality standard for farms in the area and is motivating others to go back to traditional (organic) farming practices, especially within the world of coffee.
AROMA: gingersnap, cherry blossom
FLAVOR: candied grapefruit, toffee
BODY: silky, syrupy
FINISH: tiramisu, cayenne
PRODUCER: timuza coffee cooperative
REGION: eastern highlands province
ALTITUDE: 1420-1600 meters above sea level
VARIETY: arusha, mundo novo, typica
PROCESS: washed