Mexican 'Ki-Saya'

Mexican 'Ki-Saya'

from $21.00

The name ‘Ki-Saya’ comes from the combination of two words in the indigenous Mayan language of the area: Ki, meaning “tasty” and Saayab, which means “nature.”

Mexican ‘Ki-Saya’ has flavors of brown sugar, mandarin orange, and eucalyptus, with a juicy and creamy body.

Mexican ‘Ki-Saya’ is produced by multiple small farms in Kotolte, a town located in the state of Chiapas, in southern Mexico. The society consists of the indigenous Mayan culture and the common primary languages are Tzotzil and Tzeltal, indigenous Mayan languages. This culture is so embedded that most people in the area speak Spanish as a second language and even primary schools are conducted in the indigenous language. Kotolte is one of the most populated towns in the municipality of Tenejapa, with only around 1250 residents - this remote region is producing some amazing coffee that we are very excited to share with all of you.

AROMA: jasmine, brown sugar

FLAVOR: mandarin orange, tiramisu

BODY: juicy, creamy

FINISH: nutmeg, eucalyptus

REGION: kotolte, chiapas

VARIETY: typica, caturra, costa rica, marsellesa

PROCESS: washed

PRODUCER: multiple small farms

ALTITUDE: 1,200 - 1,800 meters above sea level


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